Sunday, August 11, 2013

PNLIT Stall at Brigade Carnival

The Brigade School Carnival held on 8th Aug. at the school grounds was a huge, glittering affair. We used the opportunity to promote lake conservation and its advantages as experienced through our Puttenahalli Lake. The hidden benefit of the lake recharging ground water may not stick in people's minds but the fact about birds and butterflies having a new home at our lake made quite a few eyes pop out. :-) 

The PNLIT Stall (Pics: Nupur Jain)

The proof of this was in our latest product - tea coasters showing a selection of birds and butterflies photographed at our lake. Several buyers commented that they were too pretty to be used as tea coasters and that they would put them up as show pieces! Another product that flew off the shelf was the Magnet. PNLIT trustee Arathi had transformed discarded bottle caps into very attractive magnets. Its irresistible pull brought some children again and again to our stall where they browsed over each piece before making a choice. 

Our products on sale

Our sincere thanks to the Brigade management for giving us this opportunity and to Mrs. Githa Shankar and everyone who visited our stall. We value your support to Puttenahalli Lake! 

Please email <> if you would like to buy the tea coasters (Rs.200 for a set of 6; Rs.40/single; Magnet @ Rs.30/piece). Samples below. 


Best value for money;
Best choice for a gift!

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