Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Water in the lake again!

The recent heavy rains in Bangalore have resulted in quite a bit of water finding its way into Puttenahalli Lake, quenching the thirst of the cracking lake bed. Something like a full bottle's water getting poured into one's throat, after a long harsh summer outing. 

As a part of the summer regimen, workmen have been deweeding, and a lot of the water weeds have been taken out. The green around is looking lush. 

For those who do not live in the Puttenahalli Lake vicinity, here are some recent pictures.

6-Jun-2014 Before completion of deweeding

6-Jun-2014 Deweeding in progress
​9-Jun-2014 Lake after deweeding
Pics by Nupur Jain. More pics can be seen here.

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