Sunday, August 30, 2015

An exhilarating bird sighting at the lake

Early this morning we received by email a photograph of a bird spotted at the lake by Gautham who lives at Brigade Millennium. Even as our eyes popped out in surprise, South City resident and birder Madhurima sent an sms saying she'd just spotted the same bird. She managed to take some pics before it hid in some bushes. This was enough to send us into a excited frenzy! Which was this bird that brought such a huge smile on our faces? A Peahen! Yes, a female peafowl! 

Pic: Gautham

Pics: Madhurima

It is likely that the bird flew in from the Arekere Reserve Forest but indeed, it is being sighted at our lake for the first time ever. Did it come over to feed on the snakes? Or perhaps because the swampy environment at the lake is a granary of insects, seeds and other food? More than these questions, the ones that rise in our minds are - Will the dogs leave her alone? Will a peacock follow her? Will they breed? Time (and our bird watchers) will give us the answers but for the present, we are hugely delighted about the Peahen at Puttenahalli Lake!

For me, in particular, this sighting takes me back to my childhood when we had a pair of peafowl, rather briefly, but among the more memorable of our pets. I wrote about them in a fortnightly column called Kookaburra Laughs. "Mr. and Mrs. Peafowl" can be read here.


Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Wishing our Shutterbugs on World Photography Day

This message is late in the day, but nonetheless, on this World Photography Day, it wishes all our PNLIT Shutterbugs a great year of photo-taking.

Our Shutterbugs page has more than 40 people who have shared their heart-warming pictures at Puttenahalli Lake with us over the past five years. Birds, insects, plants, events, views, and just anything pleasant that catches the eye at the lake. The group is diverse, from school-going children to senior citizens, from one-time visitors to regulars, from auto-focus point and shoot cameras to sophisticated SLRs. 

All our Shutterbugs have their own picasa albums set up on our PNLIT google account and some of them have been regular in updating them. Thanks to our Shutterbugs, we have been able to track the bird species at the lake on a regular basis. The number has crossed 80. We rely on our Shutterbugs for the photographs that go into our reports, presentations, merchandise and fund-raising appeals. Much of the excitement we feel with the rejuvenation of the lake is conveyed through the phototographs that are shared with us.   

Thanks for being generous with spreading the joy of photography among all of us. 
If you are not on our Shutterbugs page but have photos at/of Puttenahalli Lake to share, please mail us <>.

For those wondering what World Photography Day is all about, see a newspaper report here.  

Monday, August 17, 2015

Lake update

When even a drizzle raises our hope for the level in the Puttenahalli Lake to increase, the downpour last night made us impatient for dawn to break and give us the first sight of the lake. The excitement of the PNLIT trustees is shared by many others who get to see the lake from their homes or are regular visitors to the lake. 

Seeing less weed and more water today morning was a dream come true for all. Several parts of the lake glistened between the weeds or as fresh little pools. This, despite the fact that for the first time since the lake was rejuvenated, there was no inflow from the adjoining coconut grove. About half the coconut palms have been chopped down to build a marriage hall. During the ongoing construction, the old trench was filled and flattened by the lorries. Yet again, we have requested the owner to dig a trench and let the precious rain water into the lake. 

Pic: Geetha Srikrishnan

The lake after the rain, 16th Aug 2015

It was not only the sight of the water that lifted our spirits but also the tree branches curving and forming a lovely canopy over the walk way.

Another surprise was to see big fruits on one of the Mahogany trees we'd planted five years ago. We shall now eagerly wait for the fruit to fall. They will be packed with seeds which make the loveliest "helicopters". The seed structure, flat, thin, with the single seed at one end causes it to descend to the ground in a gentle spiral. A delightful sight not only for kids but for adults as well!

Some parts of the lake area are quite a forest!

Water snakes were having a gala time today morning. Two Purple Swamp hens were busy chasing away one that was perhaps too close to their nest. 

Elsewhere a few young snakes were slipping in and out of a pool of water. Their play attracted many horrified human onlookers!


Saturday, August 15, 2015

Catch the colours of freedom at Puttenahalli Lake

Madhurima's latest bird watch update is truly so encouraging with the return of the Lesser Whistling Ducks. She spotted six of them yesterday at the lake. Do visit the lake and see how many you can spot!
Independence Day greetings to all.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Madhurima
Date: Sat, Aug 15, 2015 

I went to the lake yesterday because I had a day off. Found 6 lesser whistling ducks, 5 Indian cormorants (hanging out with 1 little cormorant) and at least 2 male tailor birds that were so active! Besides, one of the little grebe couples was caught mating and hopefully, there will be chicks. And all the usual suspects were there.  :)


Pics: Madhurima Das

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Eat for a cause at Le Pont - 8th August 2015

Come Saturday 8th August 2015, treat yourself to a sumptuous Buffet Continental Breakfast at Le Pont Cafe and Patisserie.

Adding to the many flavours and ambience is the fact that you will be eating out for a cause. 

PNLIT is coming together with our Puttenahalli Lake neighbourhood Le Pont Cafe and Patisserie to organise the first of its kind Fundraising Breakfast.

Team PNLIT invites each of one of you with family, including children, to come and enjoy your Saturday with us.

Date: 8th August 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Venue: Le Pont, 24th Main, JP Nagar (Opposite Brigade Palm Springs)

Cost: INR 500 for adults, INR 250 for children below 12 years

To buy your breakfast tickets contact:
O.P.Ramaswamy @ 9845079076 / Nupur Jain @ 9886629769

More details in the poster. 

Enjoy your meal and Help your Lake!!

The event is planned to repeat every Saturday through August.