The first time we celebrated Earth Day was in 2010, to publicize the revival of our Puttakere among residents in the area. At that point, we had no idea that we were in for a long haul.
Earth Day 2010 at South City Apartments, Bangalore (Pic: Ashok Das) |
In fact, even when we registered PNLIT in June that year, we did so to assist BBMP and ensure that the lake doesn't relapse. Signing an agreement with them in May 2011 and becoming official custodians of the lake meant no turning, or looking, back for us, trustees. Since then, the lake, and we, have come a long way.
A serene morning at the lake, Apr 2022 (Pic: Nithya) |
Folk concert at the lake on 24th Apr 2022 (Pic: Nupur Jain) |
Thanks to all who have been a part of this wonderful journey. We look forward to your continued support. Here is a glimpse of life at the lake this April 2022, but there's nothing like visiting it and seeing the wonders for yourself!
Removing litter from the water (Pic: Nupur Jain) |
Juvenile Great Cormorant (Pic: Madhurima Das) |
Spot-billed Duck family (Pic: Jayashree Govind) |
Water lilies abuzz with bees (Pic: Jayashree Govind) |
Nesting box in water (Pic: Nupur Jain) |
Nesting box occupied by squirrel (Pic: Ramu) |
It does indeed take a community to protect and nurture not just a lake but all natural resources. Wherever we are, let's do our bit to make the world a better place for our children to grow and flourish. Let them not have to fight the battles that we should have fought to make life on earth easier, cleaner, greener.
Let's celebrate each day as Earth Day!
Greetings to all.
PNLIT team